Florida Library Webinars

Florida Library Webinars offers live, on-demand and podcast learning opportunities to all Florida Library Staff.

learning on a desktop computer

Upcoming Events

New on Niche Academy

  • Basics of Makerspaces
  • The Year of Chill: Focusing on Our Own Wellbeing, and Taking Care of Everyone by Taking Care of Ourselves
  • 3D Printing Fundamentals
    Bravery, Vulnerability, and Taking Risks as a Leader
  • Hit the Gym or Hit the Library: How to Improve Health and Wellness at Your Local Library
  • The Change Factor: Unravel Drama, Shift Dynamics to Transform & Thrive
  • Empowering Community Connections: Teaching Older Adults Tech Skills ( Spec Date)
  • Beyond Autism Spectrum Disorder: Serving Neurodiverse Library Users Through Inclusive Library Spaces, Services, and Programming
  • Creating and Evaluating Success For You And Your Team
  • Education 4.0: Reading, Writing, and Research Tools
  • Mentorship Mastery: Exploring Paths to Professional Growth and Guidance
  • 7 Ted Talks You Should Watch After This Webinar and Why
  • Social Media: What’s next?
    Cultivating Community with a Library Mentorship Program