Creating and Evaluating Success For You And Your Team

We often assume we know what success is and therefore don’t give it much thought which can lead to less success! We all want to be successful, and we all have differing definitions of success. Do you know what success means to you? Discover how to create success for yourself and others; there are specific […]

7 Ted Talks You Should Watch After This Webinar and Why

Ted Talks are educational, entertaining, timely and sometimes stretch your thinking, beliefs and opinions on a variety of topics. They are free to access and easy to share with your coworkers, friends and family. Ted Talks can be used as tools for self-growth and as an opportunity for your team, department and organizational learning and […]

Cultivating Community with a Library Mentorship Program

Establishing a Library Mentorship Program can strengthen the roots of longtime library staff and support new growth for new librarians. In August of 2022, Buncombe County Public Libraries launched our first Library Mentorship Program to strengthen and support library staff after COVID. Built around our County values, our Library Mentorship Program (LMP) connects new staff […]

Setting Boundaries with Patrons

Boundaries and limit setting for patrons at public libraries can prevent library workers from feeling drained at the end of a workday. When healthy boundaries are set, it helps us […]

Rethink and Rejuvenate Your Library Meetings

Meetings should be productive and have a purpose. Many times staff members dread meetings and would rather do anything but attend them. This session will introduce and reaffirm various components of hosting and attending meetings. We will discuss group dynamics, active listening skills, conflict management, creating an inclusive environment, and communicating clear meeting guidelines, instructions, […]

Looks Like I’m a Facilitator: Now What?!

For this workshop, we will learn best practices for being a facilitator. Through learning transferable communication skills, including how to manage communication anxiety, present with confidence, and manage challenging conversations you will learn how to be a more effective communicator. Working from the understanding communication is a skill set, we will examine how to prepare, […]

Mental Disorders in the Library: Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Patrons with Mental Disorders

The National Alliance of Mental Illness estimates that one in five children, teens, and adults suffer from a mental illness. With libraries functioning as a hub of the communities they support, library professionals must be prepared to serve patrons struggling with mental health issues. This presentation will provide library professionals with the necessary knowledge and […]

Keeping the Candle Lit – Mitigating Burnout at your Library

This program will introduce a comprehensive self-care program for librarians aimed at promoting mental and physical well-being, reducing stress, and preventing burnout. By implementing targeted self-care techniques, we can create […]

More Agile Teams and Collaborations

Can a more agile leadership approach cultivate motivation and improve your team's and community's collaborations and outcomes? From "failing fast" and "defining done" to increased transparency and earlier stakeholder feedback, […]

De-escalation Techniques That Work with Your Patrons

Effectively dealing with users who are upset, non-compliant and even displaying threatening behaviors can become an everyday occurrence in your library. How you respond to these difficult behaviors is often […]