Circulation Desk Spanish

Would you like to be able to say a few phrases in Spanish to help Spanish-speakers feel welcome? In this webinar, you will learn some basic vocabulary to greet patrons, […]

Displays That Do More: Passive Programming with Book Displays

Readers Advisory is one important thing that a well-done book display can accomplish. They can market your collection, programs, and services. But a book display can do more – it can be passive programming which will allow a library to increase their programming in a way that maximizes staff time. Join Passive Readers’ Advisory expert […]

Transform and Thrive: Fostering Wellness in Our Work

Library staff and administration do more than point people in the right direction to books and information. We foster wellness for ourselves and others. One way to foster wellness is […]

Introduction to Embroidery Machines

Thinking of adding an embroidery machine to your library? Curious about where to find designs or how make your own? Join librarian Alison Mirabella and learn how machine embroidery works, […]

Crafting Effective Library User Surveys

Surveys are a valuable tool for gathering feedback from library users and improving services. This webinar will guide you through the process of designing, implementing, and analyzing effective surveys tailored to the needs of your library. Learn best practices for question design, distribution methods, and data analysis to ensure your surveys provide meaningful insights. Learning […]

Empowering Community Connections: Teaching Teens Tech Skills

Public libraries can provide a safe and inclusive space for teens to learn about technology and access digital resources. By addressing the misconception that teens are inherently tech-savvy, libraries can close the digital skills gap in their communities. Join us for this webinar as we delve into practical strategies, program ideas, and best practices to […]

Come Play at the Library: How to Launch a Library Board Game Program for Everyone

You may be familiar with jigsaw puzzles, chess and even Dungeons and Dragons in your local libraries, but what about all these new board games on store shelves? What are these about? If all you know of board games is Candy Land, Monopoly and Connect 4, join us and discover more options! Modern tabletop board […]

From Knowing to Doing: Maximizing the Impact of Employee Training

For this program, we will consider how to build and instruct effective and transferable employee training programs. Through learning effective training techniques, you will learn how to maximize training effectiveness and ensure employees are equipped for the workplace. Finally, we will examine how to structure content, implement SWOT analysis techniques, and how to present content […]