Rethink and Rejuvenate Your Library Meetings

Meetings should be productive and have a purpose. Many times staff members dread meetings and would rather do anything but attend them. This session will introduce and reaffirm various components of hosting and attending meetings. We will discuss group dynamics, active listening skills, conflict management, creating an inclusive environment, and communicating clear meeting guidelines, instructions, […]

Looks Like I’m a Facilitator: Now What?!

For this workshop, we will learn best practices for being a facilitator. Through learning transferable communication skills, including how to manage communication anxiety, present with confidence, and manage challenging conversations you will learn how to be a more effective communicator. Working from the understanding communication is a skill set, we will examine how to prepare, […]

Mental Disorders in the Library: Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Patrons with Mental Disorders

The National Alliance of Mental Illness estimates that one in five children, teens, and adults suffer from a mental illness. With libraries functioning as a hub of the communities they support, library professionals must be prepared to serve patrons struggling with mental health issues. This presentation will provide library professionals with the necessary knowledge and […]

AI for Excel

Want to take your data management skills to the next level? Using AI (ChatGPT and others) with Excel can help you analyze, understand, and share your library's data with your […]

Should You Overcome or Embrace Imposter Syndrome?

The imposter syndrome occurs when we doubt our abilities, talents, skills, and accomplishments despite evidence of our success. There is a lot of discussion around overcoming imposter syndrome. But did you […]

Keeping the Candle Lit – Mitigating Burnout at your Library

This program will introduce a comprehensive self-care program for librarians aimed at promoting mental and physical well-being, reducing stress, and preventing burnout. By implementing targeted self-care techniques, we can create a healthier and more resilient library community. Librarians, like many other professionals, can experience stress and burnout due to the demands of their jobs. Practicing […]

TikTok for Libraries

Curious about TikTok? Looking to up your library’s social media game? Join us for this webinar to learn all about how libraries can leverage the incredible power of TikTok for […]

The Power of Brevity: Maximum Impact with Less Words

Reconstruct your communication for breakthrough clarity! Transform presentations, emails, speeches, & meetings with the power of brevity. It is harder than ever to capture an audience’s attention. We decide in […]

Get Your Community Moving

Have you ever heard about physical literacy? Do you want to learn more about how you could implement more movement-based programs in your library? For almost two decades now, Jenn […]

YouTube Tips & Tricks

Do you know that YouTube offers more functionality (especially with automated / AI tools!) than Facebook video? Do you know you can use YouTube's AI captioning to meet accessibility needs […]