The increasing damage and length of our severe weather events is concerning for all of us. How do we begin helping our communities to be sure they’re ready before disaster strikes? One way is with a new free kit created for the Maine State Library (MSL) by The Healing Library (THL)!
Presenter: Kara has been working in libraries for almost 20 years and is currently the Youth Services Specialist in the Library Development department of the Maine State Library. She has served in the Maine Library Association, the
New England Library Association, the American Library Association, and has most recently worked with the Diverse Bookfinder.
Presenter: Megan has worked or volunteered in libraries for almost her whole life! She’s worked in one academic and three public libraries in three different states. She is the creator and director of The Healing Library, the author of Cooking Up Programs Teens and Tweens Will Love: Recipes for Success, 2-time winner of the YALS Writing Award, Course Consultant, facilitator, presenter, and host for LJ/SLJ PD Courses, and a member of the Fred Rogers Educator’s Cohort 23/24. She’s a Library consultant, writer, speaker, nerd, and hype woman. She would definitely like to pet your dog.
The recording and handouts will be available on Niche Academy after the live event as well as our library of over 700 recorded sessions. To access Niche, go to:
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