Influencing Others into Action

For this program, we consider how to foster positive influence in our work groups. We will examine our emotional intelligence, communication styles/strategies, and learn best practices for engaging work problems/conflict. Through examining our work cultures, you will gain transferable skills to create positive influence and action in the workplace. As a result of this program, […]

The ‘Must Do List’ for Leaders

Expand your horizons and discover ways to be your best self in your leadership role. Whether you’re new to your position as a leader or have been a leader for some time, you’ll find new things to love about serving in a leadership role. True leaders are not only focused on the outcomes and productivity […]

Who Needs Libraries? Bringing Understanding to Dispel Library Myths

Libraries have long standing myths with the most including being quiet places, boring, old-fashioned, dated, only has old books, are for nerds or just kids. Newer or other common myths include libraries only being run by volunteers or anyone that works in a library is a librarian, you get paid to read books, libraries are […]

Transform and Thrive: Fostering Wellness in Our Work

Library staff and administration do more than point people in the right direction to books and information. We foster wellness for ourselves and others. One way to foster wellness is to tap the entrepreneurial spirit and apply it within the library organization, setting the tone that the library is a welcoming and creative space for […]

Teaching Library Budgets to Outsiders: How Library Budgets Benefit All

Library budgets can be complex and diverse. From book purchases to salaries to databases, budgets span into various divisions that require expertise and knowledge. But what outsiders often don’t realize is how impactful budget decisions are. Chronically underfunded, stakeholders and administrators have little understanding of what funds go towards and how it benefits the entire […]

Crafting Effective Library User Surveys

Surveys are a valuable tool for gathering feedback from library users and improving services. This webinar will guide you through the process of designing, implementing, and analyzing effective surveys tailored to the needs of your library. Learn best practices for question design, distribution methods, and data analysis to ensure your surveys provide meaningful insights. Learning […]

From Knowing to Doing: Maximizing the Impact of Employee Training

For this program, we will consider how to build and instruct effective and transferable employee training programs. Through learning effective training techniques, you will learn how to maximize training effectiveness and ensure employees are equipped for the workplace. Finally, we will examine how to structure content, implement SWOT analysis techniques, and how to present content […]

Succeeding with Community Partnerships

The public library is often called on to be “all things to all people.” As the list of “all things” continues to grow it is getting harder to deliver on this expectation. Partnering with community can be the answer to solve this need. Identifying the needs of community and then partnering with the correct resource […]

Preparing for a Successful Leadership Transition

Your long-time director or dean announced their departure from your organization. Everyone is in a little bit of a panic. For many employees, this is the only library leader they’ve […]

Boosting Morale and Engagement with Neuroscience-Backed Techniques

Employees with high morale have less absenteeism, turnover and errors, and are more productive. We all want an engaged and productive staff…and neuroscience explains why certain strategies are more adept at fostering a sense of belonging, safety, commitment, and cooperation. This program will discuss low cost and no cost strategies and techniques that can help […]