Teaching Library Budgets to Outsiders: How Library Budgets Benefit All

Library budgets can be complex and diverse. From book purchases to salaries to databases, budgets span into various divisions that require expertise and knowledge. But what outsiders often don’t realize is how impactful budget decisions are. Chronically underfunded, stakeholders and administrators have little understanding of what funds go towards and how it benefits the entire […]

Crafting Effective Library User Surveys

Surveys are a valuable tool for gathering feedback from library users and improving services. This webinar will guide you through the process of designing, implementing, and analyzing effective surveys tailored to the needs of your library. Learn best practices for question design, distribution methods, and data analysis to ensure your surveys provide meaningful insights. Learning […]

Library Security and Privacy 101 or Is There Really Any Privacy? (New Date)

No matter your position in the library, it is key to understand the current state of privacy and its relationship with cybersecurity. This webinar is designed to equip you with vital knowledge on personal and patron privacy, as well as safeguarding mission-critical information. In the ongoing journey of security and privacy, we will explore confidentiality […]

Succeeding with Community Partnerships

The public library is often called on to be “all things to all people.” As the list of “all things” continues to grow it is getting harder to deliver on […]

Preparing for a Successful Leadership Transition

Your long-time director or dean announced their departure from your organization. Everyone is in a little bit of a panic. For many employees, this is the only library leader they’ve ever worked with. In this webinar, explore ways to successfully prepare for a leadership transition at your library. If a new boss is coming to […]

Boosting Morale and Engagement with Neuroscience-Backed Techniques

Employees with high morale have less absenteeism, turnover and errors, and are more productive. We all want an engaged and productive staff…and neuroscience explains why certain strategies are more adept at fostering a sense of belonging, safety, commitment, and cooperation. This program will discuss low cost and no cost strategies and techniques that can help […]

Decoding Body Language: Myths and Truths

For this workshop, we will unlock the secrets of non-verbal communication. We will spend time identifying the nuance and importance of non-verbals as well as examine some of the most […]

Who’s On First: Cleaning up Communication

Communication is essential to running a productive and effective workplace. We all have different communication styles and may unwittingly create confusion or discord. This program explores numerous ways we can […]