Beyond Autism Spectrum Disorder: Serving Neurodiverse Library Users Through Inclusive Library Spaces, Services, & Programming

Neurodiversity acknowledges and celebrates learning and thinking differences in individuals. Diagnoses such as ADHD, learning disorders, sensory processing disorder, and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are all forms of neurodiversity. This presentation will provide information to better understand neurodiversity in a range of presentations, improve interactions with neurodiverse patrons, and design inclusive and accessible programming for […]

Mental Disorders in the Library: Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Patrons with Mental Disorders

The National Alliance of Mental Illness estimates that one in five children, teens, and adults suffer from a mental illness. With libraries functioning as a hub of the communities they support, library professionals must be prepared to serve patrons struggling with mental health issues. This presentation will provide library professionals with the necessary knowledge and […]

Get Your Community Moving

Have you ever heard about physical literacy? Do you want to learn more about how you could implement more movement-based programs in your library? For almost two decades now, Jenn […]

Circulation Desk Spanish

Would you like to be able to say a few phrases in Spanish to help Spanish-speakers feel welcome? In this webinar, you will learn some basic vocabulary to greet patrons, […]