Get Your Community Moving

Have you ever heard about physical literacy? Do you want to learn more about how you could implement more movement-based programs in your library? For almost two decades now, Jenn […]

YouTube Tips & Tricks

Do you know that YouTube offers more functionality (especially with automated / AI tools!) than Facebook video? Do you know you can use YouTube's AI captioning to meet accessibility needs […]

Essential Spanish for Library Staff: Key Words and Phrases for Effective Communication

This program is designed for library employees looking to improve their ability to serve and communicate with the Spanish-speaking community. With a focus on common Spanish words and phrases specifically selected for library situations, the webinar will equip participants with the essential linguistic knowledge to help patrons perform daily tasks and to more effectively interact […]

How to Find Your Library’s Storytelling DNA

Every nonprofit and library has a unique story to tell, but how do you uncover your organization's true storytelling DNA? In this talk, digital storytelling expert and international keynote speaker […]

More Agile Teams and Collaborations

Can a more agile leadership approach cultivate motivation and improve your team's and community's collaborations and outcomes? From "failing fast" and "defining done" to increased transparency and earlier stakeholder feedback, agile project management strategies can help us build trust, encourage growth, and create more collaborative and effective teams and community relationships. Attendees will learn the […]

A Mindful Approach to Stress

Like most people, you probably have a lot going on and good reasons to feel distressed. Being stressed from time to time is actually normal and healthy. The problem is […]

Paperless Departments for Collaboration, Efficiency and Accountability

Discover strategies to transition your library department into a paperless environment, promoting sustainability and organizational efficiency. Learn innovative tools and practices for enhanced communication, collaboration, and accountability without the need […]

De-escalation Techniques That Work with Your Patrons

Effectively dealing with users who are upset, non-compliant and even displaying threatening behaviors can become an everyday occurrence in your library. How you respond to these difficult behaviors is often […]

Day of the Dead Storytime

Learn more about the joyous Mexican Festival of Day of the Dead (Dia de Los Muertos), which is celebrated each year on November 1st & 2nd, and be prepared to […]